Monday, November 14, 2005

Yeah yeah...

I know I didn't keep my own deadline about the contest.. Thing is there is a lot going on at school and I've got Linda's wedding to think about. I am moving the deadline of the art contest until I am safe and sound back in England after the wedding. This will give ya'all some more time as well. At november 22nd it should be ok. New deadline November 22nd!
That will probably be my next entry since I am so friggin megabusy!
Still love what we do here.. I just miss the possey!
See ya later, possey!

Oh! One more thing! I am going to play Winnie the Pooh on stage! Ain't that.. funny!?
I never realized it before.. but that is a brilliantly funny character! And not to forget, Ior brings a wonderful light (or darkness) to the world!

Do I bear any resemblance? Hmm.. Guess I will have to rely on my acting skills. (Bear pun unintentional. Honest!)

Well.. at least they didn't ask me to play Belle or Jasmine.
Well.. Save the cats while I'm gone!
See ya!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Wonderful film!

I know I don't post as often as I used to but I'm making up for it by filling this entry with lots and lots of nice pictures! And guys, the more feedback I get the more isnpiration I get to write more, remember that. anyway... The other day I went to see Tim Burton's Corpse Bride. I will not go into a full review here, but I will tell you I loved the film! I couldn't find one single thing I didn't like, it was just a pure pleasure to watch! The way the stop-motion animation and the voice talents blend in with the music by Danny Elfman is just breathtaking! See this beautiful film, or you're missing something fantastic.

The other day we at the school had a voice class at the Old Vic Theatre, where Kevin Spacey is currently playing Richard II and Sir Ian McKellen will soon be in a production of Aladdin. The stage is beautiful and standing in what Lawrence Olivier called "the sweet spot", filling the auditiorium with your voice is a special feeling indeed.

Afterwards some of us took Emma in the first year class to an Italian resturant, since it was her 25th birthday.
I sang Happy Birthday to her twice!
Left to right; Louise, Erika, Emma.

I have finally finished a new version of the short film script, and sent it out to those it concerns. It took a while, but it sort had to. Hope you all enjoy it.

Also, Happy Birthday to my baby sister who is now 21 years old! go Karin!

And people.. Are you wortking on pictures for me? Pleeease?

Save the cats!

See ya!