I'll just give you a quick update. I lost some weight, gained some skills, and the stage combat license I got looks like this:

We are also to meet Kevin Spacey again in about two weeks, as hee is going to teach an Audition Class.
It is now time for a very special Blast from the past;
Blast From the Past X (10)
I checked out my old -helgon diary and picked out a few entries to posthere, for people who were not yet reading about my adventures on the British isles at the time. Here goes:
Holy wow
20/11 04
This school is more than I bargined for. I mean.. drama school.. I would expecty some movement and some drama stuff.. but the technique of learning drama here is IMMENSE! Advanced psychology of how to.. hmm.. damn.. I can’t even explain it.. but it’s really cool.
And the yoga and the acrobatics.. I can do some freaky shit now that I couldn’t before.
England is a weird palce though...
Blind people get 50% off the TV license fee. Great!
The school takes up most of my life... but it’s all good. I get to act quite a bit, and it’s a lot of fun! I am about to go practise walking on stilts.. I’m going to play a really tall monk.
Tootles.. or something.

Sneaking? Sneaking!
23/01 05
What-ho? People whose identity is unknownst to me have read my diary!
What is this! Strangers in my house? Shrouded shadows of oblivion haunting my documented past?
It’s not that I am against people reading my diary.. If I did I would be quite a stupidass motherfucker for putting it on the internet. But I would like for people I don’t know or haven’t spoken to for a long time to drop a line in my mailbox or guestbook upon readin up on who I am.
Would be nice.. just sayin’
And if you don’t want to.. that’s ok I guess... but.. well. BURN IN HELL!
nono.. I’m sorry.. I am so very very.. FUCK YOU!
no! bad me! bad me!
Really, I am flattered that people want to know about lil’ old me, but don’t be shy.. say hello!

Dear diary
24/01 05
Today I wrote ”dear diary” in my diary, and thus drastically lost 20 masculinity points. Damn.

2 Seconds
25/01 05
Is that a long time.. or a short time?
I suppose that depends on what you are doing. If it takes 2 seconds to paint a house it’s pretty fucking fast. Then again if it takes 2 seconds for a fallen object to hit the floor, it’s very very slow. or high up.
But.. Today I did an unsupported handstand lasting for 2 seconds. Rising from 0, it is quite a bit.

26/01 05
So the school is changing names... The principal died and his daughter took over. There’s going to be a few changes. The name will no longer be ”The School of the Science of Acting”, but ”The Academy of the Science of Acting and Directing”
There will be more focus on film, and TV work. Also they will hire more famous people in the profession to come and hold some workshop classes and give advice. We will also get to talk to casting agents and stuff.
There is also talk about doing short film projects, and collabortaing with other schools on them (for producers, editors etc)
We had our last Alexander Technique today. We only did 6 classes (we were only supposed to do one but it proved to be so great they decided to go on for a bit) I have suggested to put it on the schedule as a normal class because I see how great it could be for the profession of an actor to be skilled in the Alexander Technique. That and we had a really cool teacher. Fumiaki Tanaka. Japanese guy with long hair. To learn something physical is always cooler if the teacher is japanese. My own Mr. Myiagi. Only this guy was younger than Mr Myiagi. And had long hair... in a ponytail.. He looked like a fighter from an anime. I bet he’s some sort of superhero.
I hope they listen to our pleading and bring him and his teachings back to the school to stay.
After a class of AT I end up an inch taller... it’s only temporary but it’s pretty fucking cool.
Oh my god this entry is getting long! I must stop soon before I-

The Kev from Space
04/02 05
We’re going to see Kevin Spacey! Yay! As an education thingie for the school.
We’re going to see a play he is in, and then we will talk to him and the director. That rocks.
Did a good rehersal today.. Ben’s play is funny... I hope he does turn it into a short film.
I have Swedish Greve cheese in school... Claire said it was in one of her dreams the other night. so I just said ”What, you’re dreaming of my cheese?” and everyone laughed.
As we say in Sweden... Konstigt.

Laradidida dada dada
10/02 05
I am da Waltz Mazta! Ph33r my |337 Waltz skillz!
And I tried a new crisp flavour today (chips smak for all you Swedish bretheren)
Pickled Onion
It tasted worse than crap.
I had one, then gave the rest to Kyle.
He agreed with me... then he ate them all. Silly Americans.

I am spiderman... no more.
28/02 05
It is done.
My hair is in a plastic bag by my bed.
It is weird, I tell you.
Really strange. I will meditate to make it grow faster.
My head is unprotected!

Word of the day
30/05 05
Swedish word of the day that needs no Swedish characters.: Saltgurka.
Notice: This entry does not in any way imply that the author of this diary has any liking for pickles. Because I don’t.

The secret of loosing weight.
31/05 05
Going to a physically demanding school with an empty wallet has made me lose a lot of my excess weight. People ask me ”What is your secret?”
Come on people!
You want to know the secret? Do you really want to know what the secret is?
Ok, here it is.
The secret to loosing weight is to stop looking for a fucking secret!
There is no secret way of easy weight loss!
Work your ass off, and your ass will come off! Simple!

Im ok
07/07 05 (the day of the London bombings)
Just thought I’d get the word out in case people were worrying. I’m not blown to bits so far.
Another thing.. What makes this blast from the past special.. A memorial.

Good bye old friend. I'll come visit you some day.
Do not think this is all doom and gloom. Leaving the past is the only thing that can bring us to a great future. Always respect and remember your past... But do not live in it.
Save the cats!
See ya!