Tired. So tired. I have many pieces to work on for school apart from all the classes. But, as usual, I'm still loving it. Apparently I will be getting a new housemate. Another japanese girl, whose name is Kayoko. She'll be moving in around November. I'm getting to know the new first year students, some of them are really nice! Also, I found out that we will be meeting Kevin Spacey again. Things are good and getting better. Sadly, I don't have much to write about, since no actual big events have occured. But I CAN give you guys another contest!
How about this? An
ART contest!
I want you to MAKE a picture, or a comic strip that has to do with either me, or the artist making it. It can be a portrait, a caricature, a character of mine, a character you create based on me or a
what-if* picture of me or a situation I, or me AND the artist have been in etc etc etc, or it can be one of the artist, updating me on what's going on over there.
Use you imagination. It doesn't have to be
Mona-Lisa quality, I know that not all of you would consider yourselves aritists but at least put some effort into it to show you care.
I will judge it mainly on how big my emotional reaction is, and how much I can relate to it. Of course, being an art contest, the technique will matter a bit, but as I said the main thing is that the picture makes a clear connection between me and the artist.
Keep the connections, dear friends!
And as usual, it is all in good fun!
*A what-if picture is a spectulative picture embodying an idea of, such as; "what if Peter was a starfighterpilot, what would he do, and what would it look like?"
This is a picture I threw together of Neil's character, Jeb Feer. if it wasn't for the fact that he designed the character, this could have been considered as a what-if picture.
Anyway, gotta go!
Save the cats, or I will be angry!
See ya!