As for the Gah.. well. Here are some answers to the new questions that we asked the wise mediaplayer about.
Conny's questions:
Should Peter go for a career behind or in front of the camera?
Back to the Future 3 Soundtrack - The future isn't written
A Wise answer I suppose.. and honest.
Robocop SoundTrack - Drive to Jones' office
Going to do what must be done. Yepp.
What is the next film Peter will work with?
Requiem For a Dream Soundtrack - Meltdown
Pardon me, but hasn't that film already been made? the same thing goes for all the soundtracks I have.
What does Peter think of Conny?
Cat Power - Baby doll
'Baby. Black is all you see. Dont you want to be free?' hehe.. suit yourself, asking such a question.
Hannah's questions!
What does Peter really dream about at night?
The Little Mermaid - Under the sea
I am NOT the little mermaid! And I've already GOT legs!
What will the love of Peters life be like?
X-Men Soundtrack - Logan & Rouge
Yeah.. that works I guess. As long as I'm Logan.
What is Peter's biggest problem?

Mulan Soundtrack - I'll make a man out of you
Batman Returns Soundtrack - Cat Suite
The film is a bout Batman! What track it is doesn't matter! >:P
That's it, from now on I'm using Winamp!
See ya!
And YES I still want you to save the cats!
You can't deny what Mediaplayer says!
Jag instämmer i Hannahs skratt; mohaahahahaha - det här är humor!
Bwahah, MediaPlayer really has its mind made up... XD
...so I'm thinking... try asking the same questions to winamp? Just to make sure you're not a girl, I mean. ;)
Im trying to picture you in a leathersuit.. no, i should stop it 8D
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