To tell you the truth, not much out of the ordinary has happened either. Wchool and stuff. Two things to report I guess. Kayoko has moved back to Japan (bye bye) and I have started my mission of learning how to draw. I have a few pictures which I will reluctantly show you. They are not very good, unless you consider the fact that they are my first. Here goes.

About that, how's about another art contest as Littleoak suggested? You guys make a lion! Could be a cartoon, painting, sketch, manga style or whatever. Naturalistic or humanoid, you choose. One thing you will have to include is info on the picture/character.
Some background, some personal stuff, describe the world and surroundings he/she lives in. Let your creativity flow! Good ideas are as important as good art skills! I will give you two weeks. It doesn't have to be more elaborate than you want to make it.
Anyway, I do have more pictures from Russia.

--Drama students in the Kremlin!

Barbara liked the Kremlin.--

--Big gun!

This is a bird that lives in the Kremlin.--

--The Kremlin seen from the outside.
That's all I have for you today! Drop a comment, Save the cats and then start working on your contribution to the little contest.
See ya!
1 comment:
Alright! I'm already drawing. Lions you say. Soon enough we're going to have you labled as fetish-kinky if you keep the cat-thing up. ;)
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