The Director's exam was a lot of fun. 8 pieces were showing and I was in 6 of them. That was the record for this year. Go me! Lots of hard work and I loved every second of it. 6 different charactes, all as different to the others as night and day, and at some points I had 3 minutes to get changed and run to the next set.
The week after we had assesments and more showings. Not much to report there, other than that the Jazz Dance assesment went great and I had some wonderful reportcards and great feedback for my preformance in the exams.

Rebecka and Saga made chairs out of snow and sat on the river. Winter can be great if you know what to do with it. More pics of this day at the end of this post.
On the sunday I went to see the oaks, as I do almost every night I spend in Sweden.

To earn some of my keep I took the job at the hospital my dad got me. It would be nice with some time off in the holiday, but I do need the money. Anyway it wasn't very stressful work and I was done with the tasks faster thant they could throw new ones at me. This pic is of the office. The guy is my brother-in-law.

There was a party at Lars' place and most of the gang was there. And new one.. Anna.. talked, funny that one. Nefus, though.. was.. in Brunei. Meeting some girl he married in World of Warcraft... I saw the wedding video.. Bjorn was the priest. yeah... I also had a quick chat with Janni. she bought me a coke.

Back to work.. By now though I had the game Oblivion in my hands! After four years of aiting.. it acctually did live up to it's expectations! Love it! Just love it! I also have a new nifty phone with an ok camera that can fill this place. Well.. morw work at the hospital.. On the Thursday I went to see the final production of my old drama school! Not only that but on the Friday I went to speak to the students about school in London like I as some really cool important dude.

Saturday evening there was a big party at the Oaks'. Marvin's birthday.

Sunday.. Mostly packing and travelling.. I met Mikael from the school at the airport in Sweden and chatted with him on the plane.. The plane landed in London early.. Short line by the border control.. Got the luggage fairly quickly.. A trein was conviniently waiting for ur by the rails.. It was too good I said to Michael.. and I as right.. As I got home.. Leena had locked the extra lock which can only be unlocked from the inside.. and fallen asleep! Nothing would wake her and since my ninjas have moved back to Japan I was locked out!
I went to spend the night at the couch of a schoolmate.
Next day. School. Guess what! I have stage Combat again! I will get the fighting license! I am so happy! Yay me!
When I got home and finally -in- I noticed that Ruriko had left me some gifts.. her leftover food.. the Stereo she can't bring back to Japan.. and.. a tiny Katana in a keyring! So cute! Kawai! Ninas are great!
OK.. Because you had to wait so long for this entry.. here are some more pics from the day I played in the snow with Rebecka and Saga. Click for larger versions.
OK that's all for today. Next Blast From The Past will be really special by the way. Stay tuned.. and Save the Cats!
See ya!
1 comment:
Kul att se ett inlägg igen! Och kul att du var här!
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