School. and lots of it. Well I wouldn't have it any other way. In fact I think I should use even more time in school than I do. I'm sorry about the effect it has on this journal, but hey, I only have a couple of months left to go.
I am now the current Student Vice Principal of the school, which gives me a bit of authority, and lets me practise my sense of responsability. To be honest, I quite like being "The Man".
OK, so what has been going on.. whoa.. loads.. ok, we had that lesson with Kevin Spacey.. seems like ages ago, and it was. It was fun, interesting and very informative. It was quite amusing acctually, the lengths he went to to make a "cool" entrance. We had a warm-up session with his assistant before our lesson with Kevin, and that session ended with all of us relaxing and closing our eyes. While our eyes were closed he snuck in, took a relaxed, nonchalant pose, leaning against the wall with a fresh cup of coffee. It has a nice effect, but the knowledge that he must have snuck in with the effect in mind made it seem quite silly.. but in a funny way. Anyway, he knows what he's talking about and is a decent down-to-earth and friendly guy.
Among many many parts I've played between then and now, Winston Churchill is one of them. And I got great feedback for it! That baby is going on my CV! About that, by the way, I've rewamped http://www.petersunnergren.com/ to look more professional! Some pictures of me, and stuff and in the future there will be a showreel, voice sample among other things.
Wow.. I've almost been here three years now. Time really has flown past and soon I'm out there trying to get an agent. Hopefully that will go pretty smoothly. Right now, the main play we're working on is Dracula. Our director, Thomas Garvey, is a really talented guy, and he is writing the script himself, with some of our input, based on the original novel by Bram Stoker. There is even a chance we might take the play on a tour in Sweden! If we do I will be sure to put the info up here as soon as I know the details!
I don't remember wether or not I posted my heroic act on here.. maybe I didn't..
Here goes.
I was on a bus with a friend from school in one of London's tougher areas. Suddenly a girl was thrown onto the bus while it was stoped. She was bleeding from different places in her face and she said something about people taking her phone. Right after she had been thrown into the bus, the door closed and we started rolling. I ran up to the driver and told him to stop the bus. He refused the first time, so I had to shout a little at him to make him come around. When the bus stopped, me and another guy on the bus jumped off and ran after the muggers while my schoolfriend called the police. We cought up to a group of late-teens to early twenties gangsta' girls. I was surprised. I asked, sounding as strict as I could "Alright, who took her phone?" they looked at me in a kind of bitchy hollywood girl-gangsta' kinda way and one told me they didn't know what I was talking about, and one said that she wa snaughty and deserved it. At this point they had started to surround me. I counted about fifteen of them. and to be honest, as I counted, I expected to see the other guy who came off the bus with me, covering my back. Instead I saw his back, from a distance, getting the hell away from there. At that point I realized; "Hey! I'm confronting a gang of fifteen muggers. OK, they are girls, but.. fifteen of them... whops." Maybe the guy was right to run...
I decided that showing fear was probably not the best idea in the world, so I sized up to the one that stood right in front of me, and raised my voice saying "I asked, which one of you fucking cunts beat that poor girl up and took her phone!?" I knew it was a little bit of a dangerous tactic, but it worked. I've used it before when my neighbour's dog attacked me. You show no fear and the enemy starts to think that they should be afraid. They all backed off a bit, and started blaming each other. So now I had another problem. It was impossible for me to find out who had done it, as they were all pointing fingers at each other. I hurried back to the bus to check if the police were on the way. I saw someone had given the victim an extra jacket. Now I could also see that she was missing a tooth, I guessed from the beating. My friend told me the police were on their way. At that point, I saw the gang get on another bus behind ours. I ran out of my bus but I couldn't make it to the other bus in time. The doors closed and the bus left. I ran to our busdriver and ask if he could radio the other bus, or at least forward a message about it to the central. The driver just sat back and said "Nah mate, it's from another garage." I didn't quite believe him, but couldn't do ayhting about his lack of willingness to help. Luckily, at that point I saw a police-car apporach. I ran back onto our bus, grabed the girl's hand and took her with me, I stoped the poilce car, told them "This is the victim. The muggers got on the 19 Bus, it just left! If you go now you can catch them!"
The police quickly pulled the victim into the backseat of their car and sped away, I saw them get on the radio just as they left.I got back to the bus and told the driver it was ok to leave. At the next stop, we saw the bus that the muggers had got on... pulled over, and surrounded by poice-cars. the gang was out there, all being searched by the police.
That gave me and my friend a nice warm feeling. We had done something good.I told my landlord about it when I got home. the next day, I found a bottle of nice wine in my room. Not everyone cares about doing good in this world.. but apaprently some do. even those who don't go out of their way to change the world, can still encourage those who do.
I should be a superhero!
Not so many pictures in this entry.. but at least you got loads of text. You know I kinda feel bad about it.. I'll give you a nice piccie of Moffe the Wonder Dog.

Save the cats!
See ya!
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