Monday, May 14, 2007

The Saga Adventures - part 3 - the Return of Saga Again

Oh, Woe is me. My camera is experiencing problems and is in need of repair. Today's pictures were taken with a crappy conpact camera... ok, pretty good to be a compact cam, but some pictures that could have been lovely ended up.. meh..
Oh well..
All we got pictures of is the visit to the zoo. Here goes.
Yeah.. I really wish I had my own camera...

I mean really.. slow autofocus through glass and fences, with crappy exposure to boot. Such lovely photo opportunities.. Oh well... At least we got to see them. Her husband by the way is eating in prviacy at the moment.

Again... Didn't have a chance to take a 'good' picture of this.. But Saga found this so amazing I just had to include it. That monkey over there... Flew at her after she knocked on the window.. He jumped at her and smashed int to the window.. Then threw a cocnut at her. She laughed like a... crazy person.

I did manage to get some nice pictures of birds. Some more will follow.
hehehe.. hehe.

HAHAHAHA! Silly bird!

I don't know about you but that stare just creeps me out!

It seems we came.. in the middle of.. dinner.

That's all for Sagas trip to London! I'll finish with a cute piccie of her!

From yesterday.. the ice cream.. you know.
We had Pizza at my place before.. Lizzie came to play with her again.
Byeeee Saga, visit again soon!
Save the Cats!
-See ya!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Saga Adventures - part 2 - the Return of Saga

Main things.. Science museum, hamleys, teddybears, made her own teddybear (not the huge one) ate at Busaba-Eatai where they gave her a flower to put in her hair, went to see the marvelous statues at Trafalgar Square, and had ice cream.
Here are some pictures.

This last picture is brilliant, if I do say so myself.

Save the Cats!

See ya!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Saga Adventures

Don't despair too much, but this entry will not be about me, but about Saga, visiting London!
Piccies piccies piccies! This will not have my nmal layout as it is more of a.. bunch of pifctures. Here goes...

Saga and Lizzie! After an hour of intense and quiet staring at eachother, they got along real well. Saga spoke Swedish, Lizzie spoke English.. yet somehow they understood each other.


Off-topic picture. On the way to the fair we went to, we saw a sign of a very interesting shortcut taken with a heavy veichle.

At the fair, Saga did many things. Here she decorated a picture frame.

List of things to do on the first time out of the country without mommy or daddy. Number one: Get a tattoo.

Number 2: Decorate a cookie. This one is important.

Happy as she looks with these fine chocolate Eclairs, she refused to even taste them.

Another Off-topic picture.. I just thought it turned out quite nicely. It's Paddington Station.

Main attraction of the day. Dress-purchase at the Disney store! Here is Saga/Sleeping beauty! Let's have some more of those acctually! (notice the sparkle in the ear-ring. Very Disneyesque)

That's all for today! Tomorrow the Adventure continues.

Save the Cats!

See ya!