Oh, Woe is me. My camera is experiencing problems and is in need of repair. Today's pictures were taken with a crappy conpact camera... ok, pretty good to be a compact cam, but some pictures that could have been lovely ended up.. meh.. Oh well..
All we got pictures of is the visit to the zoo. Here goes.
Yeah.. I really wish I had my own camera...
I mean really.. slow autofocus through glass and fences, with crappy exposure to boot. Such lovely photo opportunities.. Oh well... At least we got to see them. Her husband by the way is eating in prviacy at the moment.
Again... Didn't have a chance to take a 'good' picture of this.. But Saga found this so amazing I just had to include it. That monkey over there... Flew at her after she knocked on the window.. He jumped at her and smashed int to the window.. Then threw a cocnut at her. She laughed like a... crazy person.
I did manage to get some nice pictures of birds. Some more will follow.
hehehe.. hehe.
HAHAHAHA! Silly bird!
I don't know about you but that stare just creeps me out!
It seems we came.. in the middle of.. dinner.
That's all for Sagas trip to London! I'll finish with a cute piccie of her!
From yesterday.. the ice cream.. you know.
We had Pizza at my place before.. Lizzie came to play with her again.
Byeeee Saga, visit again soon!
Save the Cats!
-See ya!
1 comment:
Hej Peter! Jag hoppas att jag snart får komma och hälsa på dig igen. Det var SÅÅÅ mysigt och roligt!!! Massor med pussar och kramar SAGA
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