This is the JOURNAL (not blog!) of a Swedish actor/writer/roleplayer/weirdo that used to write about his school days and now I will write about... other.. stuff.
Hey! Where have I been you ask? Well.. I have started up a project or two wish are.. sort of.. almost.. secret. I am keeping a regular production journal but unfortunetly only for team members.. sorry. I'll coem back to this journal now and again, like now, to show something off! And I have another one planned pretty soon, so don't despair!
This one is for Rebecka, sort of a belated birthday present. Yes, Rebecka, my parents and Rebecka's friend Alicia came to visit, but I won't need to tell you about it.. I'll just show you!
Of course I'll have a high quality copy ready for y'all soonish and as I said, I have one more planned shortly. Save the cats!
I've graduated.. worked in some places.. done a few auditions and been in a short film.. At the moment I'm working at the school while sorting out some acting stuff.
I will not write a long long message today as it is late and I am tired. However, I did join a gym today and spent 3 hours working out, yay me! And the gym is right under where I work so I can pop in there a few hours after work every day. I also now live in a big room in a flat near Camden that is also pretty neat.
And I would like to congratualte Malin on her cub (son)! Now Ola is finally an uncle. I would post a picture, but I don't have one yet.
In other news, Sister Linda has opene dup an online diary herself! lookit! (Swedish only) I took that picture by the way.
Since it was such a short message after such a long time, I'll give you two bonus pictures you've probably already seen of the plays I acted in at school before graduation. I was Van Helsing in Dracula.. and Thomas Putnam in the Crucible!
Actually.. I'll give you yet another bonus you've probably already seen. My film!