Did you think I was gone? Well.. I wasn't!
I've graduated.. worked in some places.. done a few auditions and been in a short film.. At the moment I'm working at the school while sorting out some acting stuff.
I will not write a long long message today as it is late and I am tired. However, I did join a gym today and spent 3 hours working out, yay me! And the gym is right under where I work so I can pop in there a few hours after work every day. I also now live in a big room in a flat near Camden that is also pretty neat.
And I would like to congratualte Malin on her cub (son)! Now Ola is finally an uncle. I would post a picture, but I don't have one yet.
In other news, Sister Linda has opene dup an online diary herself! lookit! (Swedish only) I took that picture by the way.
Since it was such a short message after such a long time, I'll give you two bonus pictures you've probably already seen of the plays I acted in at school before graduation. I was Van Helsing in Dracula.. and Thomas Putnam in the Crucible!

Actually.. I'll give you yet another bonus you've probably already seen. My film!
Until next time...
Save the cats!
See ya!
ÄNTLIGEN! Kan man se lite hur du har det igen :)
Så får du ta med mig till ditt gym nästa gång jag kommer & hälsar på.
Vilket måste bli snart.
Kram på'rej brorsan!
Hej Peter!
Och tack för gratulationen till lilleman! Blir mallig över att stå omnämd på din sida. Det blir säkert numera, morbror Ola, också! Grattis själv till dina framgångar i filmvärlden - Oscarsgalan nästa!
Kram från oss
Jag säger som SysterYster, ÄNTLIGEN!!! Nu kan vi bli lite uppdaterade igen! Det var så kul o se Dracula, ni var så bra! Vill komma över snart igen, vi hade riktigt skoj den gången! Kram kram Linda
Hallåååååå! Broschaaaan! Du uppdaterar dåligt.... (säger jag som inte ens har nån blogg... ;) )
Är u nyfiken på hur du har det... Saknar dig, vi måste ses snart. massa kramar från lillsyrran
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