Saturday, October 22, 2005


The other day a big piece of North London was without electricity. At first it was annoying since we did a lot of things late in school. But it turned out to be quite cozy and peaceful with candle light. No one was stressing, and no noises were heard. At one point I walked on Seven Sister's Road.. normally a very busy street with many lights, now it was dead. Black.. empty. It gave me a nifty Apocalyptic feeling. Also I got a hug from Erica, she is a good hugger. Look at this pic, in the dark one could do many funny things!
OK, so my camera wouldn't take very clear pictures, but here they are.
North London.. hmm.. NorthLion in North London. That sounds really cool! yeah!

By the way I took another friggin personality test. These things have it in for me.

Nala a beautiful young lioness who is both kind,
loving and in search of her true love

which main character from the lion king are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Just like the test on the DVD!
Don't worry though, yesterday I worked on a stage set with hammers and powertools so my masculinity is intact! Today I did children's classes and tonight I am rehersing my part in Sally's graduation play! I get to beat up the bad guy! Go me! Go testosterone! Wooo!

Byt the way, about that contest, I would like to add, you do not have to flatter me!
And.. save the cats!

See ya!

I don't really remind anyone of Nala do I?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

som parantes i trollhättan allså... låter med ashäftigt, eller inte =)