Oh well, I told you about the wedding, but what happaned after? Well, I went back to England where I suddenly transformed into an adult or something. I turned 25. Nah... I seriously doubt that adult thing. Anyway, My parents and my grandparents on my father's side came over to London to see me. That was very nice, we went out to eat, we saw the tower of London, where Marianne, my grandmother had a very interesting conversation with a raven, and they joined me at my house and celebrated my transition into.. twentyfiveness.
Left to right, my grandfather Karl-Erik and my grandmother, trying out a new hat in the tower of London.
My father at Tower Bridge
My mother in... some place we ended up when we got lost
Me in the same place
After they went home, did I get to rest? Not really. School got totally busy close to the exam. All the directors needed to show their pieces before the last week so rehearsals went on way past midnight. After that week, did it get easier? No way, the preparations for the exam kept us all in school past 01:00 every night. On the thursday I got home past 04:00! Buy you know what? I liked it. Even now I don't have a lot of time to relax as I am in Claire's final Production, and two more pieces due last week of term. But you know what... It's all great! It's ok to be worked like an animal if you do it for something you enjoy. And I sort of like the animal analogy. Anyway, there was a picture contest due ages ago. Sorry about that but it appears that I was not the only one being busy. There was only one entry, which will then automatically be crowned winner. Congratulations Marcus Hammar. 10 points.
I will not show the new high score here as this contest got a little.. well it wasn't really a contest with only one contestant. Here is the picture though.
This is a picture of.. snowmen... inspired by me and the creator, Marcus. The one on the left is me, as I am holding my trusty machete and

That's more or less it for the big update, double entry. I will have another contest like this one so that more people have time to join.
Here is what I want most for christmas.
A snow leopard! The other species will do too, but mostly I want a snowkitty. I've been a really good boy this tear and I have worked hard!
Anyway there is a PS. In the tower of London I saw someone who reminded me of mr Neil Martin. Check it out!

Save the cats!
See ya!
1 comment:
Nu avskyr jag egentligen att komma med ursäkter men som sagt; manusskrivande & fyra förproduktioner hindrade mig från att rita/skapa ngnt fint. Men vi vill såklart se poängen & så får du maila din adress så att det kan komma en julklapp. Fast du är ju i sverige då iof.... hm... yeye, maila adressen ändå. Den kan komma lite sent. Hörs.
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