I have been absent from this journal(not blog) for quite a while, but believe me, I had my reasons. The important thing is; here I am and I have a big update for you.
I went to the wedding of my big sister Linda and her, now husband, Lars Gunnarsson. I must say this wedding was somethign special and I'm not just saying this because she is my sister, it really was great. I sang in it you see XD
No really, the whole thing was fantastic. Big family get together, a ceremony in a very old little church, older acctually, than Sweden itself. The party afterwards really cool, many friends and relatives showed up and the mood was just great. I also held a little speach, which I was quite proud of.

The beautiful copuple, dancing on the wedding night.

The bride and her bridesmaids. Left to right, cousin, friend, bride, friend, sister.
Rebecka, Linda's daughter, also did some entertaining.
Saga also helped. (message to the world: People, turn DATES on your camera OFF!)
This is me, looking like a dork. The man in the corner is my dad.A kiss
That was the wedding sorry no time left internet cafe closing, I will have to continue this update tomorrow, by the way save the cats, see ya!
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