I have stated before that I am letting myself be overworked again this term, perhaps even more so than last. But you know what? It's ok. I'm getting experience.
Shoko asked me if I could be in her fairy tale.. This is what happened. (Shoko is a japanese girl)
"Peetah.. Will yuo bee in my faryutale?"
"You know.. I'm sorry, I am completely full up, I don't think I can..."
"You be playing lion."
"... ... Acctually I think I might have a few openings. I'll do it!"
So yupp.. I'll be playing a lion and I get to eat the main character. It was kinda fun when she was giving me the character-line and mindprint. She was sitting there telling me fact about lions. Me! The NorthLion. She had no facts that I did not already know. She told me about the first documented case of white lions born in Timbavati and I told her their names, the names of their parents, and their uncle. It's the part I was born to play, baby!
Sorry no new pictures today. I'll give you the Christmas Card I promised of the littleoak AKA Neko, AKA Joanna. And in the near future I'll shower you with pictures from my russia trip!

Merry belated Christmas. Or early Merry Christmas 2006!
Just to be fair, I'll give her bro some time in the spotlight. Here is big oak AKA C-Rate AKA Jocke.
Don't forget to Save the Cats everybody!
See ya!
Cool cat
Hej på dig från ett snöstormigt Sverige. Inte ens katterna vill ut :)
Congratulation with the part :)..I hope you're having a great time with the acting and such ;). Take care
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