By the way, Conny, as response to your... blog... I'd like to say.. Of course that was me in your dream! Who else! Just out of curiousity.. What did I do in your dream.. and what did I look like? Big, powerful, with a mighty mane?
I'm thinking it is almost time for another contest.. This time I'm going to take suggestions. A contest contest! Everyone suggests what they want to do for a context, and I pick one, and remodel it to fit my theme. There will be no points for the contest contest, but the winner will have an advantage over the others since he/she was the one to pick it.
I also would like to send out a hug and a nuzzle to Hannah, who has just been on a funeral. We all love you, Hannah. I'm certain the others will back that up.
I still have some more Russia pictures to hand out. Here you go. Today I will show you some of the people I was travelling with.

Yes I did travel with more people than this, but I can't show you everything in one go now can I?
Just because I am so nice I'll show you one more.

Doesn't Kyle have some scary similarities with Stalin? They must be related somehow.. or.. is he Stalin reborn?
Tell me what kind of contests you like
Save the Cats
See ya!
Haha! Yes! I truely belive he is stalin reborn. Great pic. ^^
Ja du... du var ju ett lejon... så lite mäktig var du nog... tror jag...
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