Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The story so far.

Here I am again. Quick recap! Went to Sweden, worked, met friends, celebrated midsummer, missed the flight to England, stayed a day in Gothernburg (thanks, guys) went a day later than planned, came to England, started working on the play, got on a de-tox and have thus far not eaten for seven days.

Yes that was very quick, but I can't be arsed to write a book about it. I'll show you some pictures, mm'kay?

Oh and as promised you can now see the clip of me getting my stagecombat License. It is a rather big mpeg so I suggest you right-click on it and save file as. Here it is!

I have also got my domain now. It will have my CV and stuff on it. Not done yet but the design is shaping up. I also created sub-domains that lead here. You can now get to this journal through or

If yóu know Swedish, also check out Best idea ever!

I am on this de-tox now.. and man, I feel great! Haven't eaten for seven days and I feel just amazing! Everything about me just got better. All I try to do is now easier, be it physical, intellectual or mental. I feel like a proper superhero!

Ok the pictures...

Sister and neice.




The traditional midsummer -penis.

That's it for now! Save the cats! (That's right.. I'm still watching you!)
See ya!


Anonymous said...

*HiHi* Häftigt att bli nämnd på din blogg! "stayed a night in Gothenburg"(thanks guys)Säger bara: Anytime Peter, anytime! Kram M

Anonymous said...

Ja, visst känner man sig bra mycket bättre när man fastar? :) Fast passa dig efteråt.. En annan gick på för hårt, så nu känner jag mig lika trött å jävlig som innan.. Om inte värre... Så jag får köra en omgång till snart, å sköta mig bättre efteråt den här gången. PussåKram Lillsyrran