Sunday, August 20, 2006

Dr. Hank McCoy

Yes, I could have written this entry sooner. The reason I didn't: I was waiting for pictures of two events that I could show here. For a long time, I had only, and have still only recieved the pictures of one of them. And not even all of those. Oh well, I'll just give you these for now.
These are of the costume party I went to as Dr. Hank McCoy, AKA Beast of X-Men. And I recieved the award for best costume. A bottle of Champagne. In some time I will have better pictures of said costume, but for now I'll give you the ones I have.

Here he is. Dr. Hank MacCoy. People said they expected me to growl and roar. I am fond of growling and roaring, but in character, I couldn't. Hank would never act like that at a party! Come on!
How do you like crossovers? X-Men vs Brave -heart? hmm... Not sure it would work... Adrian played William Wallace. Not sure who Pernille is supposd to be, but that is not her regular outfit.
Now here is a crossover that could actually work! Ben Willens as Raoul Duke in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, looking at me like I was a scary drug-induced hallucination. Lucky for him the worst Hank would ever do to him in the situation would be to give a "just say no" speech.

Hank and William later took a walk through central London that night. People were amazed, I managed to gather up quite a big group of X-Men fans who worshipped me. Some worshipped Braveheart as well. Lots of people took pictures.. and a car suddenly stoped next to us and a Japanese guy stuck his head out yelling "Beast! Beast!" That was fun.
I will have more pictures of this costume later.. along with the pictures from the play we put up a couple of weeks ago, where you among other things will get to see me wielding a monkey-wrench while entoxicated with pure wrath. Always save the cats!

-See ya!


Anonymous said...

Lets do a movie with you as that character!!!!!!! Or maybe someone already did? (With you as tyhat character :)

Anonymous said...

Im fairly impressed by the accurate work of yours. (Reminds me that I have to watch the third movie by the way, its about time now)
/The rude malk from Helgon