Anyway, one of the guys from the new class comes from the M-Town!
Apparently, he knew a lot of people I know! and went in the same class as BigOak! Small friggin world!
I will now give you my reslut in a fun test I stole from Silvestris, who stole it from an array of people. The trick is to let Media Player tell you who you are. You load all your songs into a playlist and let it select songs randomly as answers to these questions. Here are my results:

What do you think of me, Windows Media Player?
Final Fantasy VII soundtrack – Tifa’s Theme
Me? Tifa? Not you too, MediaPlayer!

Queen of the Damned Soundtrack – Cold
Uh oh…
Ok hang on just a minute here. Cold.. Fine! Damned.. ok, I'll be a vampire but what is this queen business! Did Hannah put you up to this, Mediaplayer!?
What do my friends really think of me?
Leonard Cohen – Love itself
Wow.. really?
Nightwish – Ever dream
Sigh… Thanks a lot.
What does [insert significant other] think of me?
The Lion King Soundtrack – Can you feel the love tonight
YES! SCORE! All I need now is a significant other to apply it to.
Cat Power – Moonshiner
… I should find happiness in drinking vast amounts of alcohol. You suck as a role model, man.
What should I do with my life?
Final Fantasy – Continue
Life goes on? Now we’re talking!
Ennio Morricone – Lonesome Billy
Yeah… sigh…
How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Soundtrack – the Spiders
Uhh.. I… ummmm… Oh! I see! A bit of danger and excitement! That’s what you mean, right? Right?
Twins – Going to Santa Fe
Twins? Really? Wow…
Will I die happy?
Leonard Cohen – Light as a breeze
Ok. oh well... a bit boring perhaps but I can think of worse ways to go.
Ennio Morricone - Childhood and manhood.
Shut up.
Do you know where your children are?
Requiem for a dream Soundtrack – Coney Island Dreaming
Now you ARE scaring me!
The Last Crusade Soundtrack – Keeper of the Holy Grail
I must find the grail? Is that a metaphor?
What's your favorite fetish?
the Ghost and the Darkness Soundtrack – Preparations
Hmm… Man eating lions... Silly humans thinking they stand a chans.. *licks my fangs*
Does that suit me? I'm not sure...
That's it for today. Save the cats! Specially the man eating lions!
See ya!
1 comment:
Kul! och Allt mediaplayer säger är sant!!! Så ta det på Allvar. Allt. Men det vet du redan. Se till att komma hem snart så att vi kan ta igen några inspelningsdagar!
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