Most people in the school I go to use a mac. They find it simple. They tell me I should get a mac. They never have problems! How can I stand having a PC that crashes all the time? I think me and James are the only PC users in the school. The other 6 computer people are Maccers. Allthrough the year they have told me that Mac work better than PC.
Now.. at the end of the year, let us check the facts. My PC has had no problems whatsoever. James' PC has had no problems. Alex's Mac has crashed right before a production, which used the computer for sound, it took 3-4 days to fix. Kyle's Mac took 2 hours (at best) to start up for some mysetrious reason that is still not discovered. He ended up buying a new one. Adrian's Mac is getting it's files mixed up, and is working ridiculously slow for a reason that is, as of yet, still unknown. Sasha's Mac has had some unexplained problem resulting in an inability to use certain programmes. Ben's Mac.. No problems reported.
So.. Mac never crashes = Myth
PC always crashes = Myth
A computer will crash if it's owner doesn't know what he/she is doing. = Fact
Any computer can crash if a mistake is made.
So leave me and my PC alone!

Bjorn, if you need suggestions on how to get pictures.. think.. do you know people who might have them? could there be usable frames from background-films? Who knows? you have several days to find them! Go on a treasurehunt! (if you still can't find one, you COULD draw one... you could even use artistic freedom and space a situation up, I suppose.. it has to wake memories though, than involve both of us.)
See ya!
1 comment:
Jag gillar PC och gillar att klippa på en Mac. Bra skit säger jag.
Angående bilder. Jag kom på att du och jag aldrig befunnit oss på samma plats vid samma tidpunkt så det finns inga bilder på oss. Men filminspelningar däremot, ja jävlar - (även om du alltid är keyed in med greenscreen.)
Skämt åsido. Köp många fina dvd på virgin megastore (akta dig för de hemska dubbningarna på engelska bara. Lejonkungen på engelska??? PSSSSTTTTT!!! :).
Ha det fint
Hund & Kräk
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