A bit weary. Work... I've been running around like crazy at the hospital, inspecting the possibilities of IP TeleKom upgrades. And guess what! I have been volunteered for weekend work as well. And twelve hours per day! Don't remember volunteering for it, but I guess that's the way things go.
sigh. Anyway, I've been hanging out a little bit with the oaks, and I just ordered my new computer! There is light in the universe sometimes. I'd like to have written more, but I am just too tired. I'll give you a picture.. Oh and by the way, I have the rest of my Russia pictures now, so you'll see some in a few days!
Before I go to bed, I'll give you a fun little contest. This will be a
captions contest. First place will get
5 points.. second place will get
3 points and third place will get
2 points. Create speech bubbles, or a short story behind the next picture. It can be funny, a deep poem, a cool saying, anything.. as long as I like it. Here we go.

And never forget to
save the cats!
See ya!
Kul tävling. Jag är redan igång =). Vi ses när du kommer hit!
Men va fan! I mean What the %¤#"!... ok that was wierd.. I don't have a picture-modeling-program.. and I dont have ANY pictures.. I hate your competitions! But do tell me when you're coming to visit us.
It's true! Fedus-head-nurse from south park IS based on a real person!
*If I turn the webcam this way that zombie in the middle of my room might go away.. no? Damn...*
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