These are of the costume party I went to as Dr. Hank McCoy, AKA Beast of X-Men. And I recieved the award for best costume. A bottle of Champagne. In some time I will have better pictures of said costume, but for now I'll give you the ones I have.
Here he is. Dr. Hank MacCoy. People said they expected me to growl and roar. I am fond of growling and roaring, but in character, I couldn't. Hank would never act like that at a party! Come on!
How do you like crossovers? X-Men vs Brave -heart? hmm... Not sure it would work... Adrian played William Wallace. Not sure who Pernille is supposd to be, but that is not her regular outfit.
Now here is a crossover that could actually work! Ben Willens as Raoul Duke in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, looking at me like I was a scary drug-induced hallucination. Lucky for him the worst Hank would ever do to him in the situation would be to give a "just say no" speech.
Hank and William later took a walk through central London that night. People were amazed, I managed to gather up quite a big group of X-Men fans who worshipped me. Some worshipped Braveheart as well. Lots of people took pictures.. and a car suddenly stoped next to us and a Japanese guy stuck his head out yelling "Beast! Beast!" That was fun.
I will have more pictures of this costume later.. along with the pictures from the play we put up a couple of weeks ago, where you among other things will get to see me wielding a monkey-wrench while entoxicated with pure wrath. Always save the cats!
-See ya!
Lets do a movie with you as that character!!!!!!! Or maybe someone already did? (With you as tyhat character :)
Im fairly impressed by the accurate work of yours. (Reminds me that I have to watch the third movie by the way, its about time now)
/The rude malk from Helgon
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