Now for the Blast.
These are old friends of mine! Wow, this takes me back. From left to right, top to bottom; Kaj Rosengren, Thomas Christiansen, Mikael Palo Johan Molin and at the bottom, peaking up from behind the table, me. Look at me! I'm a kid! hehehehe. I didn't know I had aged! This picture was taken at the summerplace. We spent some days there withcomputers to play ganes, be unhealthy, fish, be adventurous and get lost in the forest while looking for shortcuts. Not included in the picture above is this guy;
This little redheaded punk is Erik Ekstrand. You know... I seem to recall Peter Simonsson being there as well, allthough he is not in any of the pictures. Are you out there somewhere ol' fella'? Hehe.. this does bring me back. Where are all you guys now?
Anyway, this is what we packed to "eat".
Get the bit about being unhealthy? What do you expect from the Nintendo generation? Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed this Blast From the Past, and good luck with the competition. Byt the way, do not forget to save the cats!
See ya!
Vi har en vecka på oss så det är klart jag måste fundera. Det är bra med spontanitet, riktigt bra faktiskt - men givetvis tar jag det på allvar och vill komma med en COOL grej!
Om man inte har en förbannad bild p.g.a att hårdiskjäveln pajade, kan man skicka ett plagg eller en cd skiva eller nåt? Jag kanske t.o.m har en av dina gamla skjortor här! Det måste ju påminna dig om gamla tider?
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