Monday, April 21, 2008


Hey! Where have I been you ask? Well.. I have started up a project or two wish are.. sort of.. almost.. secret. I am keeping a regular production journal but unfortunetly only for team members.. sorry. I'll coem back to this journal now and again, like now, to show something off! And I have another one planned pretty soon, so don't despair!

This one is for Rebecka, sort of a belated birthday present.
Yes, Rebecka, my parents and Rebecka's friend Alicia came to visit, but I won't need to tell you about it.. I'll just show you!

Of course I'll have a high quality copy ready for y'all soonish and as I said, I have one more planned shortly.
Save the cats!

See ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nu gör jag ett nytt försök att lämna en kommentar...
Det jag skrev sist nåt liknande med: Du är grym Brorsan!!!! Så jäkla duktig med sånt här. Saga & Clara skrattade gott när dom kollade samtidigt med mig.
Jag vill se mer av ditt jobb. Jag vill veta mer vad du gör!!!!! Du är på tok för anonym som engelsman. Saknar dig!!! Massa kramar från lillsyrran.... Utan muskler...