Blast From the Past part se7en
Yes. See that picture? That is me from the past. I looked like that once upon a time. anyway, this time I will be speaking of
Futuredrome. A groovy live post-apocalyptic roleplaying game taking place in Kinekulle Quarry, Sweden. It occured in 2001 and there were over 1400 players in a city that was built out of over 20 tons of scrap metal. Everyone had a character, a class in society and most even had a job. There were guards, messengers, medics, entertainers, tavern staff etc. The city felt so alive!

For three days straight I was
Jiro, the bountyhunter. My aromour looked so groovy! Still have it too. It was amazing to be part of this world, this story, this spectacle! I wish to do something similar again! Now for some pictures.

This is Jiro standing next to
Nemesis, the leader of my pack of bountyhunters. He was a feared men, and the only man that my character respected. His mind was twisted by drugs though, and without his fellow hunters' knowledge, through him the counsil used us all in their evil plots. (
that is, until we found out)

This is
Darf. She was one groovy character. She was one of us, a skillful huntress. She definetly had the right look and the right attitude. Her weapon of choice; a baseball bat.

These here were rather avarege citizens of
Drome City. During the game the bountyhunters were called in to keep order in the town. We ruled them all.

This was the
Animal Cage. the
animals were acctually people who had been driven insane by the counsil's cruel experiments. and in the spirit of the city, the mad people were displayed, as if in a zoo.

The front City walls. If you climbed this wall, wether you were a citizen getting out, or an outsider getting in, it was our job to track you down and kill you. For the safety of the city, no one but us gets in or out.

The palace. Where the queen lived.
All hail the queen! As soon as we found out that the counsil, who we thought were in the queen's service, had used us in their plots against the queen, we started turning their evil plans against them (
after rescuing our leader from their mind control, of course).

Evening in Drome City square right before the parties would kick off.

The pictures are getting too many for one entry. I will give you more
Futuredrome goodness later. As a last picture, here is
Darf again. Ain't she cool!?
See ya! PS; Save the cats!