Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Blast From the Past part 8

Hey kids! It's time for another Blast From the Past! Today's edition is for reasons few people (probably only one) will understand, the pink edition. Before the acctual blast, the one week-competition has started and there will be a commentary. Marcus started the race by sitting down to watch the others. Conny was the second to react and his approach was to ponder and think about it. Hannah boosted off and got a good headstart over everyone else. They will have to work hard to catch up with her... And now, Bjorn has joined the race! Allthough he has not yet started running. Welcome to the game, Bjorn, but you will have to work for the points! You have until tuesday evening to send me a picture so you do have some time!

Now for the Blast.

These are old friends of mine! Wow, this takes me back. From left to right, top to bottom; Kaj Rosengren, Thomas Christiansen, Mikael Palo Johan Molin and at the bottom, peaking up from behind the table, me. Look at me! I'm a kid! hehehehe. I didn't know I had aged! This picture was taken at the summerplace. We spent some days there withcomputers to play ganes, be unhealthy, fish, be adventurous and get lost in the forest while looking for shortcuts. Not included in the picture above is this guy;

This little redheaded punk is Erik Ekstrand. You know... I seem to recall Peter Simonsson being there as well, allthough he is not in any of the pictures. Are you out there somewhere ol' fella'? Hehe.. this does bring me back. Where are all you guys now?

Anyway, this is what we packed to "eat".

Get the bit about being unhealthy? What do you expect from the Nintendo generation? Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed this Blast From the Past, and good luck with the competition. Byt the way, do not forget to save the cats!

See ya!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I do not believe it. I simply do not believe it. Finally someone guessed the right answer. The picture was from my hometown, the M-Town (Mariestad) Well done, Hannah. To be honest I was getting worried. Here are the guesses that came before my beautiful hometown; Trollhattan, Skaven, London and Moscow! Holy bong! I was shocked enough to use a stupid looking picture of myself. HEY! I've got an idea for a contest! Hang on, First I must give the devil his due (It is just a common figure of speech, Hannah, I am not saying you are the devil) Hannah will recieve her two points.
Hannah now has 31 points. And Moffe is very pleased with you.
What will next contest be, you ask? Well, it is more of a mission than a question. I want YOU to find a picture either of me, me and you, or only you that I took. Basically the rquirement is that the photograph wakes memories, and has something to do with you and me. They may make me go "ahhhh", "awww" or "hahaha" perhaps some may even make me go "meow", "purr" or "rowr". I seriously doubt though, that any of them will make me go "woof." The one that makes me have the biggest reaction will get 10 points. I reserve 5 points to hand out to the second runner up if it is a close tie. I understand that this mission may take some time. You have one week. Next tuesday this competition closes. What I want you to do is email it to me, and drop a little something about it in the comments of this here entry. I will show the winner, or winners in the conclusion entry. Remind me that we are us! and save the cats!
Before I end this transmission Marcus would like to give you his Funniest Word of the Day! the word is; iffy

See ya!

Monday, August 29, 2005

I am on a mission

I have been asked to spread a message across a certain circle of people, located in the city of Trollhattan, Sweden. I have already given you nuggets of information, but as I promised him, here comes some more.
We all know a lazy git by the name of Neil Martin. Do we? Well, let me tell you something.
Neil Martin is the only man I've known that can sleep for 40 hours straight, is always late and loves placing himself where he doesn't want to be. But not anymore. He has changed! He is now working hard, earning good money and lives a life that almost comes close to being halfway to clean(ish). Not bad eh? I'll take care of him over here and do what I can to keep him on the right track. He will be back in the promised land soon enough. The plan is for me and him to return pretty much at the same time. While I am at it, take a look at this. It is a picture I made for Neil a few years back. It is based on him holding an umbrella. Nifty modifications eh? It is supposed to be him in the Panzy-Ass fantasy world of Forgotten Realms. Cool sword though. It's magic!

Guess what! No one has answered yesterday's question correctly! The question remains, but is now only worth two points. Come on people, Save the cats and then go guess again!

Get it right, or Moffe will be very disapointed in you.

See ya!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

New Production Diary

See how smart I am? Apart from this here Journal(not blog) I have also started a Production Diary, for film projects that I have a creative say in. We do communicate in the CELL forum, but in this diary I will keep a digest of the things we come up with in the forum. Check it out! It looks all nifty and stuff! I asked people to write funny/touching piece of text about who I am.. What I meant was like.. fictional, and humorous. I feel a little guilty now for bribing people with points for flattery.. It's not really what I intended. But I promised some points, and Conny and Hannah did write some really nice things about me, ensuring that I am missed and have something to go back to (hugs) so they are entitled to some points.
Hannah will recieve 5 points, as two people share the full 10. Allthough Conny, as bad as I feel about doing it, I must subtract at least 1 point from your 5, on the grounds that you reffered to this journal as a blog. this is a journal! If this had been a normal contest it would have been a minus 10, but due to the sentimental, and nice theme of this one, 1 point will have to do. I will even give you a chance to regain it.

Hannah now has 29 Points
Conny now has 17 points
Silvestris and Marcus still have 10 points
Frida still has 5 points.

And everyone, go save the cats! Now!
This is yet another contest. The picture on the left is a sunset. Who can tell me where this picture was taken? This question is worth 5 points. Conny will, if he answers correctly, regain the extra point he lost by reffering to this journal as a blog.

See ya!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

if yuh wunner wha...

Translation: If you wonder why I am speaking in a suthern USA accent in my spare time, it is because of the fact that I am working on my character in a Tennessee William's play. All classes except for one are doing Tennessee, so practically everyone in the school are walkin' 'round soundin' laak cawboys. Sounds like we are a drama school in texas. My class is so far ahead of schedule it's amazing! We need about 4 more days and we have 10. Groovay! The horror script is now v8.1. I've just listened to some of the concept music by Magnus Knutas, and old classmate of mine, who will be writing some tunes, and hopefully act in the film. This here is him. He went to drama school with me back in the old M-Town. If all goes well he will, apart from making the end credits music together with his band Kaross, play Erik in the film. Andreas Sollien here will produce it, don't worry he doesn't always look like that. The team is growing! Anyone want to join? Don't be afraid to ask. Film sets are lovely, just look!
I will keep yesterday's "quest" open a few more days, juzz cuz' I wunna.
And lissen. If yuh dun do yer part ta save dem kitties, ahm gonna kick yer ass from here ta kingdum com, yuh hear?
See ya!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Things are good

The play is going great, the school is rewarding my progress, I've got a job during the holiday, it seems like I'll be using a great new computer in a couple of months, I just posted my 8th draft of my horror script and my first year of my London education is almost complete. Yes. It's going alright. Again, sorry about talking more of my past than my present in most of my entries, but it's going to have to be like that until I have a proper digital camera to use (a few more weeks, keep your trausers on) Oh! Good lesson for being in England. The word "pants" as we know it in Sweden to mean "byxor" isn't true here. That would be American use of the word. Here when you say pants you are reffering to your kalsonger/trosor. Remember that or you may face humiliating situations! Yesterday we had the Macbeth showing. It went great! That stage blood I was smeared in looked awsome! Plus, I got to wear tights without risk of being called a panzy.
Thanks for the comments, people. But Conny... I will have to disagree. There may be many nerds who go out LARPing, but considering the majorities most classic nerds are far too timid to do something proper like Futuredrome. LARP is for roleplayers who have the courage to be more than nerds and apply their bodies as well as their minds in a risky enviroment. Also it is a great acting experience.
And Hannah. Once again you impress me. That is a nice deed, making the Save the Cats site your startup page. You derserve two more points for that.
Hannah now has 24 Point
(Be adviced, this technique has been used up and even if it is still encouraged, to score points you need to be the -first-)
Superhero? Secret agent? Creature of myth? A total freak? What am I? Tell me what I am with a good motivation that either entertains or touches me. If I am impressed there may be some points to be had. You don't have to base it on any specific picture, do what you want. This picture is me with a gun. This next picture is my housemate Ruriko with a gun. (Codename Red Ninja)

See ya!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Blast From the Past part Se7en

Blast From the Past part se7en
Yes. See that picture? That is me from the past. I looked like that once upon a time. anyway, this time I will be speaking of Futuredrome. A groovy live post-apocalyptic roleplaying game taking place in Kinekulle Quarry, Sweden. It occured in 2001 and there were over 1400 players in a city that was built out of over 20 tons of scrap metal. Everyone had a character, a class in society and most even had a job. There were guards, messengers, medics, entertainers, tavern staff etc. The city felt so alive! For three days straight I was Jiro, the bountyhunter. My aromour looked so groovy! Still have it too. It was amazing to be part of this world, this story, this spectacle! I wish to do something similar again! Now for some pictures.

This is Jiro standing next to Nemesis, the leader of my pack of bountyhunters. He was a feared men, and the only man that my character respected. His mind was twisted by drugs though, and without his fellow hunters' knowledge, through him the counsil used us all in their evil plots. (that is, until we found out)
This is Darf. She was one groovy character. She was one of us, a skillful huntress. She definetly had the right look and the right attitude. Her weapon of choice; a baseball bat.
These here were rather avarege citizens of Drome City. During the game the bountyhunters were called in to keep order in the town. We ruled them all.
This was the Animal Cage. the animals were acctually people who had been driven insane by the counsil's cruel experiments. and in the spirit of the city, the mad people were displayed, as if in a zoo.
The front City walls. If you climbed this wall, wether you were a citizen getting out, or an outsider getting in, it was our job to track you down and kill you. For the safety of the city, no one but us gets in or out.
The palace. Where the queen lived. All hail the queen! As soon as we found out that the counsil, who we thought were in the queen's service, had used us in their plots against the queen, we started turning their evil plans against them (after rescuing our leader from their mind control, of course).
Evening in Drome City square right before the parties would kick off.
The pictures are getting too many for one entry. I will give you more Futuredrome goodness later. As a last picture, here is Darf again. Ain't she cool!?

See ya! PS; Save the cats!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

What hands are these?

"Still it cried Sleep no more to all the house! Glammis hath murdered sleep and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more! Macbeth shall sleep no more!"
Hooya! Playing Macbeth is cool. And STATUS! We're only doing one scene, but it's still status. And the character interpretation is for the entire play. It is a prett challenging scene, but it's coming along. The thoughts of the previous events are so intense it's amazing! It is no wonder this play is still popular after 400 years. For all those people missing me, my visits during the upcoming holiday must be brief as I will be working to earn my keep in the weekdays. I shall only be able to spend weekend in Trollhattan (perhaps some evenings if I can live with someone therte, as the job sometimes will be in Lidkoping). Make sure you guys organize something cool.. and come see me in London as well! don't worry about the terrorists, they're all morons, they have no idea what they are doing! Soon I will have another Blast From the Past but tonight I am tired. I will go home, cook, do homework and write version 7.3 of the horror script. This here is a little taste of what I will give you tomorrow if you are good and help the big cats!
See ya!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Labyrinth in my mind

Yes. Today, apart from some great rehearsing, I managed to get a lot of interesting... therapy work done. I use the word therapy loosely as it is not exactly what we do. If I was to use school terminology here no one would understand what the heck I was talking about. The mind is a great maze of riddles and treasures and to be a great actor one must know ones own mind like his or her own home. Sounds simple? It is not simple. There are so many things in the human mind it is almost unspeakable. Once you know your way around your own mind you can make your subconsious work for you, and free yourself of the mental problems that most people just choose to get used to as a part of life. In other words. Freedom to be the you that you want to be. But because of the complexity of it all, what I find out about myself in the school, stays in the school (and in me of course). I do reccomend taking a course here, not only to improve your acting or directing, but also to become the master of your own mind.
Anyway ... Hannah.. I am impressed! Not only did you remember the name of the play and the character I played, but the opening narration as well! Yes, as a final production at the school we did Willy Russel's Bloodbrothers, and I played Mr. Richard Lyons. I even had my own song! Congratualtions, Hannah! I will now, again, show a picture of you. Here are the positions;
Hannah 22 Points
Conny 13 Points
Silvestris and Marcus 10 Points
Frida 5 Points
This is Hannah, being an add-babe for Carlsberg beer. You wanna be as groovy as this? Drink Carlsberg! (And Carlsberg... Give me money, I just made people buy your products!)
I had another idea for a short film. I'll write it when I have more time. Until then, have a look at this.
It's a gate. Groovy groovness!

And never forget to Save the Cats!
See ya!

Monday, August 22, 2005

One more thing (still monday)

For those who do not know what the Lotus pose in yoga is, this here is it. This is what I can do. Also, to avoid confusion, as I have already stated that I look more and more different every day, I feel I should clarify that, no, that is not me in the picture. Even though I am an agnostic, I am fairly certain of that.

Guess who...

Guess who can do a Full Lotus position in Yoga? The one where you tie your legs up like a pretzel. That's Right! Kevin Klein can do it! In the film A Fish Called Wanda he does it effortlessly! Go him! Guess who else can do the Full Lotus? That's also right! Me! Peter "Purre, NorthLion, Peppe" Sunnergren! Yepp! It is not effortless yet, but now I can do it! I am so groovy! Go me too! The play is also going great. My Southern USA accent is sounding better than ever, and I'm getting great feedback for my acting. And if that isn't enough, my picture is bigger than Kevin's! Look!
As you might remember, Madde (He-Man) and her sister Ruba visited me a while back. It may be the case that I forgot to mention it. If that indeed is the case, here it is. They visited me a while back.
This picture here is them. We went to see the Lion King Musical, yes the one I spoke of a while back (This one I KNOW I spoke of, so don't try) Acctually, Madde came to visit Ruba who is also living in London. Of course they both joined forces to visit me. We had two nice days, catching up and belonging.

In other news Hannah answered a question to an old contest. It is a bit tardy, but the answer was right and the three points were unclaimed. However, I can not award it with all three points, since it would be unfair to Conny, who answered in time. Hannah knew that the other programme I used in the making of that picture was Photoshop. She will recieve 2 points.

The new positions:
Conny 13 Points
Hannah 12 Points
Silvestris and Marcus 10 Points
Frida 5 Points

Is it time for a new question? I think so. Before I graduated my first drama school in the M-Town I played a part in a musical. During my time on the school we did more than one musical, but I am reffering to the graduating production. What was the title of this musical, and what is the name of the character I played? Five points to each question. Happy hunting!
And as usual, you must help save the cats! Link in the link section! It's absolutely free and you'll be helping these great creatures live on!

See ya!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Best film in a long time.

Hey there. I'm writing this mid-day because in less than an hour I will be in school, rehearsing the next play, and after that I will be rehearsing Macbeth so I may not be able to write tonight. Today has been pretty productive, I have done homework, had a healthy breakfast and spoken to Neil about building his new computer. Seriously people, he is starting to come around. A couple of months back when he came to see me preform he was not only not late but over an hour and a half early! Now he is working long hours and earning good money. Don't worry people, we will get our pet britt back soon.
Yesterday I told you I was going to see a film with some evening students. We went to see Crash. Trust me it was good.
Directed and written by by Paul Haggis (writer of Academy Award winning Million Dollar Baby). this film has some good preformances even from actors I don't normally think of as very great. I have to admit I did not know much about this film when I went to see it. It blew me away. The plot is either very simple of very compliacted. It is genreally about people. Who they are and who they really are. It is hard to explain why this film is so great. I think one of the main things that made me like it was the characters and the way they were portraied. The fact that they, like real humans, have more to them than what we can easilly see. Heroes can be villains, victims can be monsters, and monsters can be nice people. To fairly judge a person takes more than anyone is willing to do. The cast (Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon, Brendan Frasier etc) did a great job, better than I've seen them do before. Trust me, this is a touching and eye-opening film about humanity.. Why it is bad and why it is great. The best of humanity, and the worst. See it. Please.

In other movie news, Kelsey Grammer (known from TV-series Frasier) will be playing Beast in upcoming X-men 3. He certainly has the voice.. Even though the news shocked me a bit, I think it could work.

As for strange things. When I walked out of the house yestdrday and today there was a black van parked right outside my door. It was not only black.. Check it out.

Beware of the Pink Express. They are watching you! If you don't save the cats, they will get you, and do a prissy make-over on yo' ass! (link in the right collumn will take you there. It costs nothing, so seriously, do it!)

See ya!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

So what?

Yea, so I missed a day. Look, there are obviously going to be days that I simply can not write in this journal(not blog) but rest assured, I will write in it often! I have written a new version of the short horror film script I've been working on and it is now up to version 6.1. It is shaping up to be quite groovy, I must say. We have now been cast in the new play, and I will be playing Frank in Tennessee Williams' A Portrait of a Madonna. He is not a nice guy, but what kind of an actor would I be if I could only play nice guys? In other news, some people in school are going to see the film Crash at the Odeon today and Anabell is lending me money to go with them. The film has got some good reviews and I am quite curious to see what all the fuzz is all about.
About last contest, Conny gave the answer Maya, and scored three points. Conny is now in the lead.
I might be going onto the evening course in the school for next year. There are some sacrifices, like only yoga once per week, but what the heck, I won't have to be broke all the time!

This is the title of the screenplay I'm working on. It's in Swedish as you might realize. By the way, I have now added a link to the Save the Big Cats site. The sponsors give money to the organization for every clock on the banners, so you have no excuse! Go save the kitties! The link is on the right collumn of this journal.

And in tradition of this journal, here comes a fun, nice or just simply cool picture. This is may father standing on a boat in Vanern lake wondering why that damn tow-boat is late! (perhaps that is not what he is doing, but he could be)

See ya!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

What the hell?

Don't get me wrong, even though I created this Journal(not blog) for friends and family, I do gladly welcome anyone, who may for whatever strange reason be interested in my life, to read it. I Also enjoy comments. Feedback is important for everything, isn't it? If I didn't know anyone was reading this I would not feel very motivated to keep writing. I must, however ask people to not include any spam in your comments. When a stranger says "Hi, great blog, by the way, become a member of yaddayaddayadda and give your creditcard number-yaddayadda" it somehow doesn't seem quite as sincere as I would have hoped most comments would be. And please, people! Do not use the word Blog when reffering to this journal! Thank you!

Conny was quick at researching the annswers to yesterday's questions. I realized they were not as tricky as I first thoiught. I mean a simple google of "Hans Zimmer Inspiration Lion King" would probably come up with the answer in no-time. I shall try and consider this in the future. Anyway, of course the answer to question number one is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Conny just wrote Mozart, but I will assume he didn't mean Bob Mozart, his unknown neighbour) and the score that inspired Zimmer was Requiem. A requiem is sort of a funeral piece and seing as it was the last piece he wrote before he died (he acctually died while writing it) it was kind of fitting.
Now it is getting crowded in the lead.
Sharing the Gold position are Conny, Hannah, Silvestris and Marcus. with 10 points
With the Silver, Frida is all alone with her 5 points.

Just to see if we can't spread the positions out a little bit, I shall have a tiny question, going for
three points. This picture was created by me as sort of a test. As most of you know, I do a bit of 3D for fun in my spare time. I ask now, which computer programmes were involved in the making of this picture? (operating systems not included) Allthough more than one program were used, you may only give one answer and if you are correct you will score three points.
As usual it is required that you help the kitties!

As a sort of.. filler, I suppose, here is a wacky picture of two... morons. Well.. Funny dudes.. Individuals from Trollhattan. Enjoy!

See ya!