Saturday, August 20, 2005

So what?

Yea, so I missed a day. Look, there are obviously going to be days that I simply can not write in this journal(not blog) but rest assured, I will write in it often! I have written a new version of the short horror film script I've been working on and it is now up to version 6.1. It is shaping up to be quite groovy, I must say. We have now been cast in the new play, and I will be playing Frank in Tennessee Williams' A Portrait of a Madonna. He is not a nice guy, but what kind of an actor would I be if I could only play nice guys? In other news, some people in school are going to see the film Crash at the Odeon today and Anabell is lending me money to go with them. The film has got some good reviews and I am quite curious to see what all the fuzz is all about.
About last contest, Conny gave the answer Maya, and scored three points. Conny is now in the lead.
I might be going onto the evening course in the school for next year. There are some sacrifices, like only yoga once per week, but what the heck, I won't have to be broke all the time!

This is the title of the screenplay I'm working on. It's in Swedish as you might realize. By the way, I have now added a link to the Save the Big Cats site. The sponsors give money to the organization for every clock on the banners, so you have no excuse! Go save the kitties! The link is on the right collumn of this journal.

And in tradition of this journal, here comes a fun, nice or just simply cool picture. This is may father standing on a boat in Vanern lake wondering why that damn tow-boat is late! (perhaps that is not what he is doing, but he could be)

See ya!

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