I have been asked to spread a message across a certain circle of people, located in the city of Trollhattan, Sweden. I have already given you nuggets of information, but as I promised him, here comes some more.
We all know a lazy git by the name of Neil Martin. Do we? Well, let me tell you something.

Neil Martin is the only man I've known that can sleep for 40 hours straight, is always late and loves placing himself where he doesn't want to be. But not anymore. He has changed! He is now working hard, earning good money and lives a life that almost comes close to being halfway to clean(
ish). Not bad eh? I'll take care of him over here and do what I can to keep him on the right track. He will be back in the promised land soon enough. The plan is for me and him to return pretty much at the same time.

While I am at it, take a look at this. It is a picture I made for Neil a few years back. It is based on him holding an umbrella. Nifty modifications eh? It is supposed to be him in the
Panzy-Ass fantasy world of
Forgotten Realms. Cool sword though. It's
Guess what!
No one has answered yesterday's question correctly! The question remains, but is now only worth
two points. Come on people,
Save the cats and then go guess again!
Get it right, or Moffe will be very disapointed in you.
See ya!
Ok, jag var o räddade katterna och gissningen är att bilden är tagen... hos dig. I england någonstans. Rent av London kanske? Kul att diskussionen kommit igång ordentligt på forumet. och alltid lika roligt att läsa om dina dagar.
Jag hade också velat gissa på London, men nu gissar jag på Mariestad istället.
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