Blast From the Past part six, Blue Edition
Today, in Blast From the Past I will just give you pictures of random people I know from Trollhattan. Again, the selection of people to display is mostly based on picture availability.

This is the Jurgmeister! Mostly works at the cafe in M15.

This is Andreas Sollien. He lived in the apartment under me during my last year of Trollhattan, before I went on to London. He studies to be a film Producer! He looks like one too!

Anna. She is Anderas Sollien's girlfriend. She likes Chinese Mahjong with porn in it. On Playstation.

This is Madde (Sometimes I call her He-Man) Even though she does not live in Trollhattan now, it is still where I met her. She came to visit me a while back. and we watched The Lion King Musical! In other news, she has started to duplicate!

Neil Martin. English buddy of mine, met him in Trollhattan and as my readers know, he now lives in Swindon, UK.

Hannah Lemoine. She's been featured here before. Seen sitting in M15 with a Mona-Lisa smile, obviously hiding something devious. Did you drink that Coca Cola behind you? Was it YOURS?

Bjorn Milles. Also featured here before. On yet another note about him, likes the Ghostbusters.
I had a couple of more pictures planned, but am starting to realize that this entry is getting very picture-heavy. I shall save the rest of the pictures for a future Blast From the Past!
Before I leave you, here is a picture of the Trollhattan falls.
And Conny; Yes I do like dogs, and yes, especially Moffe. statues I place in my room though are based on how I see myself, not things that I like. I know you know me well enough to have guessed the right answer, so focus, and you may some day become a Jedi like your father.
See ya!
1 comment:
Ja, jag vet. Jag var ofokuserad den dagen. Jag tränar redan genom att ta bilder på saker härhemma och sedan gissa vad det är. FOKUS!
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