I will now hand out the Suck Award of the year. I am a very calm person. I hardly ever get angry or judge people. There are, however some people who work very hard for my scolding, and I think it is my duty to award them.
The Scandinavian Wolf. A creature thought four decades ago to be without hope of survival. It was just a matter of years before they would be completely extinct. Only a few individuals were still alive. The lack of predators invited hunters to help kill off deer, who were beginning to overpopulate. Fair enough. Miraculously though, the wolves hung in there and a few years ago there were like 130 wolves around. It was amazing. A Triumph for nature and a sign that perhaps mankind really can live alongside nature in peace. However... Now the hunters are used to killing all that deer and are not willing to share with the wolves. They think the wolves should be wiped out. Also the farmers in the area who keep animals like sheep also think Scandinavia should be made wolf free.
First off. These hunter assholes are easy to dismiss. You don't need the deer, the wolves do! They are still very endangered and need us to BACK OFF if they are going to survive! What about the farmers? They want to protect their animals. Well, modern scientists have come up with an answer. FENCES! You fence your animals in and predators can not get to them! They protest about Swedish laws not allowing them to kill wolves unless they pose an immidiate threat to the animals in question, in other words catch them in the act. Here is my opinion. If you do not get a fence, suit your own fucking self! The wolves are predators, not murderers. They kill to survive, and their right for doing so should stay. What right do we have to kill them because we are too fucking lazy to put up proper fences? I might add that predator fences are tax deductable for people who keep animals. Today there are about 90 wolves in Scandinavia. The numbers have been reduced back down by human hands.
Recently a man killed a female wolf. Three shots. It had just killed one of his sheep. Fair enough, he was protecting his own. But it has now sparked a debate about forcing the gouvernment to lift the ban on wolf killing, or the inbred fucking assholes will take the matter into their own filthy hands! I am sorry to rant like this with so many uncivilized words, but with matters like this, I just can't see straight. The guy lived in wolf country, and had no fence to protect his sheep. He leaves them at nature's mercy, then whines about nature taking one of them.

The murderous beast who for some strange reason thought she had the right to do what is in her nature to do in order not to starve to death.
Seriously! Am I the only one to see a problem with all this?
Sorry... no fun picture for you today. I am way too upset about all this to be amusing.
Take a good loook at this picture. These creatures may soon be gone.

Goodbye my friend
I really wish my species was not such a vicious pack of assholes.
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