Monday, August 01, 2005


Tired. Hungry. Broke. Today was a busy busy day. The usual rehearsal, it is getting more and more physical. Two showings in the evening, building the set, had a line-run until.. now. No rest for the wicked (or me). Have not had a day off for ages! I wonder what I shall eat. hmm.. Water will do fine for tonight. I know this all sounds like complaining, but it's pretty common day to me nowadays. I still love what I'm doing here. And to those who worry about me in times of terrorism and poverty, Don't!
You know me! I'm not the dying type! I don't only get through things, I get through them while singing!

And now, a picture. Let's see what shall I give you tonight...

This place is Kinekulle Quarry. Lovely looking spot! Kinekulle is a mountain close to where I grew up. This lovely location was the setting for a three day Live Roleplaying Game I played a couple of years ago. It was a fantastic post apocalyptic experience! The event itself was called Futuredrome. I will give you more on that when I am rested and have more time on my hands. Got plenty of pictures for you as well...

As a little teaser, this is a picture of me, as my character in named Rolaplaying experience. My name was Jiro. I was a bounty hunter.

In other news, Marcus Hammar (named in Blast From the Past part 2) guessed the right answer to yesterday's question. The right answer was of course; a Lion statue. Here you go, Marcus, you pothead (see picture in Blast From the Past part 2 ). 10 points for you. Plus a little extra gift for being so quick to give the answer..

It's a flame. Cool, ain't it?

And Conny.. a dog? A dog? Come on man it's me we're talking about here! -5 points for you! (would have been -15 points if you had not added SilverFang)

Good night!


Anonymous said...

Du gillar ju hundar. Och speciellt Silver Fang. Jag tänkte gissa på lejon med men den såg ju så knasig ut. Inte för att hundar ser konstiga ut; Silver är ju ascool. Och tur att han räddade mig där. jaja -5 allså. Får hämta upp det i Tävling 2.

Och bloggen är ju på

Det är DÄR du ska läsa och kommentera, och den uppdateras Minsann!

Ha det fint. Sov gott.

Anonymous said...

I must say it looks like a beautiful place you have gotten to..I'm almost envious ;)..Hope your play is going to be good aswell