As you might remember, Madde (He-Man) and her sister Ruba visited me a while back. It may be the case that I forgot to mention it. If that indeed is the case, here it is. They visited me a while back.

In other news Hannah answered a question to an old contest. It is a bit tardy, but the answer was right and the three points were unclaimed. However, I can not award it with all three points, since it would be unfair to Conny, who answered in time. Hannah knew that the other programme I used in the making of that picture was Photoshop. She will recieve 2 points.
The new positions:
Conny 13 Points
Hannah 12 Points
Silvestris and Marcus 10 Points
Frida 5 Points
Is it time for a new question? I think so. Before I graduated my first drama school in the M-Town I played a part in a musical. During my time on the school we did more than one musical, but I am reffering to the graduating production. What was the title of this musical, and what is the name of the character I played? Five points to each question. Happy hunting!
And as usual, you must help save the cats! Link in the link section! It's absolutely free and you'll be helping these great creatures live on!
See ya!
GAH! Jag har ju sett kort från detta. Men här går jag nog poänglös. Men då kanske det blir lite spännande i toppen. Men kommer jag på det svarar jag givetvis. Bildmanus går framåt. Det blir RUSKIGT snyggt foto.
jag måste ju chansa iaf.
Jag vet inte hur många gissningar man får köra men jag tycker tre är bra så här kommer dem (iordning som jag gissar.)
1. Miss Saigon
2. Les Misérables
3. My Fair Lady
Sådär. Säkert helt fel, vem du spelade har jag ingen aning om. Jag vill ha FILMFrågor!!!
Jag vet! Jag vet!
"Har ni hört historien om kvinnan som föder
ett tvillingpar en dag; det var två bröder.
De var lika som bär, precis samma sort.
Den ena hon behöll och den andra gav hon bort..."
Blodsbröder hette musikalen.
Och du spelade... Mr Lyons?
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