Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Jedi Powers

I spoke to the Neil today. He has not seen my journal, and so the "advice" I have left for him here has gone unnoticed. But being such a Jedi, wether or not he reads my advice makes little differance as they tend to get to him through some other, more mysterious means. That is much more interesting than getting them off the internet. He is working 12 hour shifts seven days per week. I might have been sending too strong brainwaves or something. But hey, it's all good.
Glad to see you on your feet, old Brittboy! Remember, you have got to become a superhero in time for me to get overpowerful and become a villain bent on destroying humanity. Just imagine if I reach that status and you're not a superhero yet! It would just be embarrassing!
As I spoke to Neil today, I promised to teach him how to build his own computer. That will be done on an upcoming weekend. It's gonna be nice to play with wires and electricity again, it has been quite a while since I last did that.

In other news, Silvy is almost ready to move. To help her funding she made a painting which is on sale on ebay! You like Unicorns? Then go bid! Support her, and get an excelent piece of art along with the warm fuzzy feeling of helping someone.
Speaking of helping, Silvy is running a page where she encourages people to help save endangered felines. I spoke about wolves not long ago, but there are felaines in dire need of help as well. One way of supporting them is through a one-click-per day sponsorship thing. Just klick on the support link once per day and some money goes into save the wonderful species in question! Go there now and be a hero! Felis.Silvestris.Net

Don't have time for a Blast From the Past at the moment but I will give you a small taste of one and a contest. This picture was taken at a filmset. I call this picture the Gift.

And now... the contest.

It is no secret that I love this film. Do you?

Here are the questions:

1: What is the name of the mother of the female lead character of the film

2: On the exact same date 10 years after I first saw the film, I saw the stage musical. What date was that?

Special clues; For question number one, her name is not mentioned in the film itself, but does appear in the cast-list. Question number 2, I did pick the date for the musical to match the first one, but there was another input to why it happened to be the same date, an input that has a lot to do with me.

You can get the information to me in any way you see fit. The first one to get a question right will recieve points for it. I will now introduce a new rule. In order to play this game you must go to Felis.Silvestris.Net, find the 1-click per day cat-support thingie, and click all three of them. I have no way of checking if you have or not, but if you lie about this, if you recieve points without having done it you will be abusing my trust. Is that really what you want to do? Well. Happy guessing!

See ya!


Anonymous said...

och svar igen...

1. Sarafina
2. Jag antar att du såg den på din födelsedag, tio år efter, och jag chansar på 10 November

Anonymous said...

Alternativt 23 eller 29 November... (jag är säkert helt ute o cyklar.)

Anonymous said...

Det är ju fusk att svara Sarafina när jag läst att Conny redan svarat det, även om jag gjorde mig besvär att kolla upp det hela. Däremot gissar jag förstås på 28 november.