Sunday, August 28, 2005

New Production Diary

See how smart I am? Apart from this here Journal(not blog) I have also started a Production Diary, for film projects that I have a creative say in. We do communicate in the CELL forum, but in this diary I will keep a digest of the things we come up with in the forum. Check it out! It looks all nifty and stuff! I asked people to write funny/touching piece of text about who I am.. What I meant was like.. fictional, and humorous. I feel a little guilty now for bribing people with points for flattery.. It's not really what I intended. But I promised some points, and Conny and Hannah did write some really nice things about me, ensuring that I am missed and have something to go back to (hugs) so they are entitled to some points.
Hannah will recieve 5 points, as two people share the full 10. Allthough Conny, as bad as I feel about doing it, I must subtract at least 1 point from your 5, on the grounds that you reffered to this journal as a blog. this is a journal! If this had been a normal contest it would have been a minus 10, but due to the sentimental, and nice theme of this one, 1 point will have to do. I will even give you a chance to regain it.

Hannah now has 29 Points
Conny now has 17 points
Silvestris and Marcus still have 10 points
Frida still has 5 points.

And everyone, go save the cats! Now!
This is yet another contest. The picture on the left is a sunset. Who can tell me where this picture was taken? This question is worth 5 points. Conny will, if he answers correctly, regain the extra point he lost by reffering to this journal as a blog.

See ya!


Anonymous said...

Trevligt med poängen. Tackar för dem. Misstaget med B - ordet tar jag helt på mig. Min gissning är att det är taget längst kanalen någonstans (även om det ser lite för brett ut.) Men vi kör på det.

Anonymous said...

Jag gissar väl på vänern då. Vid sommarstugan.