Monday, August 08, 2005


Last night I had a dream. I was visiting Hannah, who was moving into a large apartment. There were others there, I remember Bjorn and David (the aussie version) especially, but David was passed out on a sofa. I think Neil was there drinking, and for some reason, Basta was there as well.there were webcams in every room, and they could give soundeffects for different events. Me and Bjorn set them up for sitcom sound effects when people entered a room. I found out from Hannah that she had won the lottery. It is possible she shared the ticket with either Frida or Lisa (or both). She told me that after sharing, and taxes, she would get 5 000.000 SEK out of it, only she had to share it with her cat (a new one, it was brownish red and it really liked me)

In the same dream, I was also going to travel to Japan to get a superhero costume made. It would be in the same material as Batman's costume. I remember the store had many interesting weapons, including lightsabers (if you bought a lightsaber you could get the Star Wars trilogy on DVD for no extra cost, but only one of the trilogies, the old one or the new one). I was more interested in the broadswords though. My parents were there as well, they wanted to have their say in what I bought I think.

Well.. What have we learned from this dream? Two things.
1: Hannah, you must go and buy a lottery ticket, pronto!
2: I really am a Superhero!

OK, so I'm speculating! It was a cool dream anyway.

I've got two days off school (the time will be made up on a weekend) because the director of next play can't make it until wednesday. I shall use the time well. This morning I wrote a short horror film script. Not an intesly compelling story, it is mainly designed to inspire the director (and cinematographer, production design, sound etc.) to make very spooky sequences.

What about today's picture? well let me see what's in my bag today... Ahh, how about some more pictures of my family?
This here, as my most faithful readers would already know, is my little sister, Karin.
My oldest neice, Rebecka.

Tune in tomorrow for some more juicy juiciness!


Anonymous said...

Tjena Peter. Kul att läsa även om dina sjuka drömmar. Själv drömmer jag bara om film och annat. Så jag utläser två saker av dina drömmar; vi måste spela in en superhjältefilm samt en film där hannah vinner på lotto. DEt är givet!
Kul att du reggat dig på forumet. Nu rockar vi det så att det inom ngt år är jättevälbesökt =). Ta hand om dig.

Unknown said...

You -ONLY dream of films and -OTHER THINGS.
Well.. if you ONLY dream of things that fall under those categories.. you coud dream about... well.. anything! Other things is not a very specific topic..