Monday, October 31, 2005

I kick ass! (or hit chin)

Yepp. I was in Sally's final production, Gaslight as Mr. Frank Bradley. I got to knock the villain out and save the day! the final preformance was a huge success and everyobdy loved our fightscene! And just look at that manly mustach!
The first year student Mikael Brolin was doing the lights and he helped us with the stage combat, as he is a professional stuntman. His Webpage with showreel and stuff. Afterwards we went to an indian resturant and a french woman (she was the mother of the man who played the villain) payed for my expensive meal for some reason! Yay again!

I have a new japanese housemate, Kayoko, who, like Ruriko is also an aroma therapist. As a matter of fact, I am going there now to recieve an oily massage for free! For some reason they are very persistant in letting them rub my muscles (uh huhu)
Anyway, I am setting a deadline for the art contest! Have the pictures emailed to me by November 12! (please?)

And save the cats or else!
See ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures!