Monday, October 10, 2005


Gah! Well.. I'll start with the fun stuff. Saturday at my school there are children's classes and the 2nd year studens (such as myself) can, if they wish, assist. I have it a shot and you know what? Children can be really really good actors when they want to! Taking care of kids was acctually be very nice.
As for the Gah.. well. Here are some answers to the new questions that we asked the wise mediaplayer about.

Conny's questions:

Should Peter go for a career behind or in front of the camera?
Back to the Future 3 Soundtrack - The future isn't written
A Wise answer I suppose.. and honest.

Was Peter moving to England a good idea?
Robocop SoundTrack - Drive to Jones' office
Going to do what must be done. Yepp.

What is the next film Peter will work with?
Requiem For a Dream Soundtrack - Meltdown
Pardon me, but hasn't that film already been made? the same thing goes for all the soundtracks I have.

What does Peter think of Conny?
Cat Power - Baby doll
'Baby. Black is all you see. Dont you want to be free?' hehe.. suit yourself, asking such a question.

Hannah's questions!
What does Peter really dream about at night?
The Little Mermaid - Under the sea
I am NOT the little mermaid! And I've already GOT legs!

What will the love of Peters life be like?
X-Men Soundtrack - Logan & Rouge
Yeah.. that works I guess. As long as I'm Logan.

What is Peter's biggest problem?
Mulan Soundtrack - I'll make a man out of you

Honestly: is Peter really a girl?
Batman Returns Soundtrack - Cat Suite
The film is a bout Batman! What track it is doesn't matter! >:P

That's it, from now on I'm using Winamp!

See ya!
And YES I still want you to save the cats!


Anonymous said...


You can't deny what Mediaplayer says!

Anonymous said...

Jag instämmer i Hannahs skratt; mohaahahahaha - det här är humor!

Anonymous said...

Bwahah, MediaPlayer really has its mind made up... XD

Anonymous said... I'm thinking... try asking the same questions to winamp? Just to make sure you're not a girl, I mean. ;)

Anonymous said...

Im trying to picture you in a leathersuit.. no, i should stop it 8D