Friday, January 20, 2006

Asian gifts.

Japanese people.. Don't get me wrong, I like them.. but they can be confusing.. Not just because of how they talk but their ways of life are a mystery. A couple of days ago Kayoko came in to my room around midninght. She asked me

"Peetah.. Havea yuo seenu tha furidge?"
(Peter, have you seen the fridge?)

"Uhh.. no..."

"Yuo can look on the Peetah sheluf in tha furidge."
(You can look at Peter's shelf in the fridge)

"Uhhh.. ok.."

"I put appul there. You like? I givea yuo."
(I put an apple there. Do you like it? I will give you.)

"... ok.. Thanks."

I went to look at the Peetah sheluf and yes. There was an apple on a small saucer.. There was a smiley face carved into the apple.. Nice.. fun gesture.. I wonder what kind of japanese symbolism she might be using... Two days later I find a pear, also with a carved smiley face on the Peetah sheluf. This one also had eyebrows by the way..
Oh well.

We had an accent class today.. One excersice included the class being divided into pairs.. and one would mimic the other in a sentance.
Agnes was supposed to say my line
"I have three rehearsals tonight" In my accent.
She did. The teacher asked everyone to give feedback.
Adrian raised his hand and said "Agnes sounded a little too much like a man."
"HEY!" I said.

As I have promised.. I will now show you pictures of my trip to Mother Russia (Not MY mother.. but still Russia.)
I shall start with some generic pictures. in this entry. You can click on these images for larger versions.

This is me at Red Square, with bags, cameras and hats hanging all over me.
(Notice the square is not as red as one might assume)
This is the cathedral on Red Square. The Tsar hired the two best architects in the world to build it. When they were done he poked out their eyes. Nice guy.

And this is James by the Moscow City Library.
These are a bunch of birds by the Moscow City Library.

More to come in the next exciting episode of The Journal of NorthLion!
Save the cats!
See ya!


Anonymous said...

Mycket suspekt det där med äpplet och päronet.. humm

Anonymous said...

Very nice pictures you got there Peter..I was actually wondering myself why they call it 'Mother russia'...Hmm..Oh well..Take care :)

Blessed be Pernille