Saturday, February 25, 2006

Yeah yeah, I'm comin'

It's not that nothing has happened the last week, it's just that I've been to busy to make an entry. Here I am though. Safe and sound.

To tell you the truth, not much out of the ordinary has happened either. Wchool and stuff. Two things to report I guess. Kayoko has moved back to Japan (bye bye) and I have started my mission of learning how to draw. I have a few pictures which I will reluctantly show you. They are not very good, unless you consider the fact that they are my first. Here goes.
Yea, I have problems with proportions, hands, basic geometric shapes and all that jazz. But hey, I'm gonna practise.
About that, how's about another art contest as Littleoak suggested? You guys make a lion! Could be a cartoon, painting, sketch, manga style or whatever. Naturalistic or humanoid, you choose. One thing you will have to include is info on the picture/character.
Some background, some personal stuff, describe the world and surroundings he/she lives in. Let your creativity flow! Good ideas are as important as good art skills! I will give you two weeks. It doesn't have to be more elaborate than you want to make it.

Anyway, I do have more pictures from Russia.

--Drama students in the Kremlin!
Barbara liked the Kremlin.--

--Big gun!

This is a bird that lives in the Kremlin.--

--The Kremlin seen from the outside.

That's all I have for you today! Drop a comment, Save the cats and then start working on your contribution to the little contest.

See ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alright! I'm already drawing. Lions you say. Soon enough we're going to have you labled as fetish-kinky if you keep the cat-thing up. ;)